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  • $32967

Nutri-Life Bio-N™

Natural nitrogen captured from the atmosphere and converted to plant-available nitrogen in the root zone.

Nutri-Life Bio-N™ contains organisms capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen in the soil. Azotobacter, a free-living nitrogen fixer, can tap into the 74,000 tonnes of nitrogen gas hanging over every hectare. Azotobacter also secrete hygroscopic mucilage in the root-zone, which assists in retaining soil moisture. Nutri-Life Bio-N™ has proven a reliable and consistent performer in Australian conditions since 1998.


  • Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Registered Farm Input 456AI.
  • Access free atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Increase yield and quality.
  • Reduce soil erosion.
  • Improve water retention.
  • Enhance germination.
  • Promote root growth.
  • Phosphate release.


Horticulture 1 L/ha Apply every 4 weeks or as required

Broadacre (liquid inject at planting) 0.5 L/ha Apply at planting

Seed Treatment: Horticulture 5 mL/kg of seed Just prior to planting

Broadacre 2 L/tonne of seed Just prior to planting

Seedling Treatment Dip seedlings in a solution of 1 mL per L Just prior to planting

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